Unique Characteristics
The contemplated multimedia-based knowledge management system for creation, playback and administration of instruction videos shall be directly embedded into intra- and inter-company production processes and assist members of staff in executing technical tasks quickly and accurately.
Technical key features are
- interactive links between video sequences, enabling the user to freely navigate through multimedia content and
- the user controled or time triggered display of additional information in form texts, pictures, files, animations and videos.
In order to render an efficient creation process of these elements possible, the knowledge management system relies on principles of social cognition and collaboration: users may extend and adapt contents.
If a member of staff compiles a new problem-solving approach, the newfound solution can be recorded and uploaded to the videopool.
The support of easy-to-operate an economically feasible mobile devices (e.g. tablets, smartphones) fosters the not negligible cost effectiveness.
Comparable collaborative approaches have already been established in traditional knowledge management systems (key word "Enterprise 2.0").
A combination of interactive videos and collaborative knowledge management systems has not yet been realized.